woensdag 6 maart 2013

Bye winter, Hallo spring!!

The temperatures go up, it stays longer light and the flowers come out again. Yes, spring is there finally again. Finally allowed that thick scarf, coat, mittens and sweaters again replaced by the lighter clothes in our closet.
Now it's almost spring again, there are good prospects again. For you I have the positive sides of the spring on a list.

Outdoor sports
The temperatures go up and you can go outside without freezing. You can enjoy again go out running in the hot sun! When it's cold outside I'm not going to sport outside I'll freeze thill death, but now the weather is getting warmer is't way much easier. So put on your running shoes and go outside!

Colours around you
In winter everything but gray, bald and / or white. In spring the flowers bloom again and the sleeves come back on the trees. That makes the world quite a bit more colorful.

Spring Collection
The clothing is fun along with the change of season. Airy tops and colored garments will fill the shops again.

If you walk outside in the winter with an ice cream in your hands, then you probably looked crazy to be. But, in spring you can again enjoy eating ice cream. Let the ice cream come!

Hooray, a baby!
When you think of spring, then you probably think of little baby animals .The birds lay eggs again fully.

Happy people
If you are outside in the winter people are always what depressed. It's cold and gray outside and that keeps people inside. Now the sun weather gets warmer, you will see that everyone around you will look brighter.

If you sit outside, it's always nice when you not a frozen or get changed in to a snowman. In spring it is already warmer and it's also nice to enjoy with your friends / family anywhere in the city to sit down on a terrace. We can enjoy a glass of wine while sitting in the sun!

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